
CATEGORY: Template showcase

Valentine's email templates

Valentine's email templates

Our design team are always working hard to come up with new, engaging and useful templates, be it functional, seasonal or special interest. Each template has been thoroughly tested for accessibility, responsiveness and dark mode support, so we have put in the hard yards for you.

So let's show a little love for the latest series of templates our crack team have released, which have a valentine's flavour.

valentine's template series

Take a look at the full previews of the above designs:

Whether you are looking for a complete template, a bit of inspiration or an element that you can use in your own design, we have a selection in our library to help.

And remember, the elements that really give these designs the valentine's feel are the images and the colour palette - so they can easily be amended to make fantastic newsletter or showcase emails, with just a few little tweaks.

Considerations when making them your own

Use of the banner block

Both the Hearts and Roses templates effectively use the Banner block. The benefit of this is that text can appear on top of an image, so it is accessible and even if the recipient has images off, by default or choice, in their email client, your headline text will still be clearly visible.

For more info on banners, take a look at our dedicated help article.

Little things that make a big difference

In the Sunset template the movement and interest afforded by the "swoosh" at the base of the header image has real impact. Whilst this is no more complicated than an addition to an image, and the consistent use of the message background colour, it adds a sense of movement to the composition (which is very on-trend in 2022!)

Colour palette and use of muted tones

Also on trend in 2022 is "colourful minimalism" which you can see in across all the designs - with the strong use of the valentine's red to add impact and subliminal reinforcement to the "message of love". Using a restricted colour palette, gives the email design cohesion - so whether it is valentine's red or your primary brand colour, you email has a clean and effective look.

Free email marketing healthcheck - icon

Email marketing healthcheck

We are confident that we can help you, which is why we offer a free healthcheck to identify potential issues with your current programme and free advice on things that could be done to improve it.

Get started