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e-shot status page and maintenance notifications

e-shot status page and maintenance notifications

You can now check to see the e-shot platform health at any time. 

On our Service Status page you can check the health status of  

  • Console –  

  • Sending Infrastructure – the distribution servers and services 

  • Reporting Services – data collection and analysis 

  • API – integration services 

You can also see if there is maintenance planned, when is the next maintenance release and plan your activity around it. 

We will also continue to inform you of planned maintenance via email we send to the account administrators 2 days in advance detailing the schedule with details about the enhancements that will be released.  

Every user will also continue to be notified of planned maintenance in the platform when signing in. 


The Service status page can be accessed directly, (you can bookmark the url) or from the sign in page or maintenance page. 

login page

The platform status follows the standard traffic light system, and if any of our systems are reporting disruption this will be visible on the status page as well as being communicated via our usual primary channels, email and in-app notifications. 

Please don’t forget to check what’s new in our release notes.  

where to find the release notes

Free email marketing healthcheck - icon

Email marketing healthcheck

We are confident that we can help you, which is why we offer a free healthcheck to identify potential issues with your current programme and free advice on things that could be done to improve it.

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