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Adding personalisation, custom fields information and other useful *variables* to your email message

Adding personalisation, custom fields information and other useful *variables* to your email message

Personalisation variables

It is possible to use any e-shot field as a variable, whether it is a standard or custom field i.e. *Salutation*, *Firstname*,*Company*,*Lastname*,*Telephone*,*URN*, *Acc_No*,

If you have any concerns that your data may not be complete for the field that you wish to use, you can also this code to add a fallback i.e. *Firstname=fallback('AlternativeValue')*

An example of this would be  " Hi *Firstname=fallback('there')*, " 


And just to remind you why personalisation is so important her are some interesting personalisation facts from digital doughnut:

  • Personalised emails help to improve the conversion rates by 10% and click-through rates by 14%.

  • Personalised email campaigns help to produce almost 20% more sales opportunities when compared with the non-personalised ones.

  • Personalised CTAs help in a 42% higher conversion rate than the regular CTAs.

  • Almost 31% of the consumers are more likely to make the purchase when they are offered the tailored-content.

and last but not least - Personalised emails deliver 6x higher transaction rates. – Experian

Profile management variables

  • *unsubscribe* or (*unsubscribeURL* for direct linking) - Replaces with the message and link defined on the system settings page. 

  • *companyinfo* - Replaces with the backoffice defined company address. 

  • *editprofile* (*editprofileURL* for direct linking) - Replaces with the editprofile message and link defined on the system settings page. 

  • *MyEshotURL* - Replaces with the unique and encrypted view in a web browser link for that contact, and that individual campaign. 

Other useful variables

  • *MyEshotURL* - Replaces with the unique and encrypted view in a web browser link for that contact, and that individual campaign. (Use the text "View in browser" and then insert *MyEshotURL* as a hyperlink) 

  • *ForwardtoFriendURL* - Replaces with the unique and encrypted forward to a friend link for that contact, and that individual campaign. (Use the text "Forward to a friend" and then insert *ForwardtoFriendURL* as a hyperlink) 

  • *date*  - Replaces with the exact date and time the email was sent – this variable is incredibly focussed and detailed. For example, “21/04/2013 16:03:12:45”. 

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