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Smart Editor: Stripes and how to use them

Smart Editor: Stripes and how to use them

All the emails in our editor are structured by a descending hierarchy of elements

Stripes that contain structures, containers and blocks are at the top of the hierarchy. 

To add stripes, click the "+" icon at the bottom left corner of the stripe.

a stripe

You can set the type (header, footer, content, info area) for each stripe.

Setting a stripe to a header or footer

Using different types of stripes can be useful for more convenient and detailed settings.

For example, you can set the font size for all stripes of the same type

Stripe settings

as well as font size for all stripes of the same type for mobile formatting.

Stripe mobile formatting

 For more information about separate stripes settings, read below.


Stripe settings

Stripe settings are available in two tabs: Appearanceand Content.   

In the Appearance tab, you can set the background colour of the stripe and its content as well as the background image.

You can also configure the full content border here, or do it separately for each side with an option to customise the border colour.

Stripe settings

You can also determine whether a stripe will be shown/hidden in desktop/mobile or neither. 

See more information in our Smart Editor: Appearance settings article


It is important to remember

There are several important points that you need to consider when working with stripes:

  • The bars are displayed in the same way as the normal solid background. From this it follows that they will be visible only on screens whose width exceeds 600 pixels.

  • When adding custom styles, it is important to remember that the stripe is the parent element for all containers, structures and basic blocks that are stored in it, so some styles may be inherited, which can negatively affect the appearance of the email and its responsiveness.

  • The «Background colour of content» setting that you specify in the stripe does not overlap the background colour that you specify in the structure. To change the colour of the structure from the stripe, you need to set a transparent background in the container settings.

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