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CRM - Contacts List

CRM - Contacts List

Contacts List

The Contacts page is accessible from the CRM section of the sidemenu and shows a grid of all contacts within the subaccount, along with your chosen contact columns in the order you prefer. The search bar at the top of the page can be used to quickly locate a chosen contact, or the grid can be filtered and sorted as required to suit your purposes.

Contacts list

Add Contact

If you would like to manually add a contact, clicking the Add Contact button will open the modal to start the process. Complete the required Key details and Groups sections, along with the optional Additional fields section if desired. To add more than a single contact the most efficient way is using the import process, clicking the Import button from this page will navigate to the Import wizard.

Adding a contact
Adding a contact to groups
Additional contact fields
Adding contact fields such a birthdays

Custom Columns

To change the columns you would like to display simply click the Field Selection button, tick the columns you would like to show, untick the ones you would like not to, drag them into the preferred order and click Apply. The default columns and order can be applied by clicking the Restore option from the dropdown.

Contacts field management filtering


Each of the contact columns can be filtered, which is accessible by clicking the symbol in the column header, then simply select your operator and value then click Filter to update the contact grid results. The email status has an additional layer of filtering that can be used to show all hard bounced contacts but exclude unsubscribed, for example. If you would like to reset the filters back to default then just click the Clear all filters button, which will be greyed out if nothing has been applied.

Contact filters
Engagement filtering

Actions button

The Actions button contains a number of options available for selected contacts. To select a contact just tick the checkbox against the right row. Alternatively tick the column header checkbox to select all contacts from all pages in the grid.

Actions button

Export selected contacts

To export a list of contacts select the ones you would like, then click the Export selected contacts option from the Actions dropdown. You will then be prompted on where you would like to save your CSV file containing the contact information. 


Add to groups

Contacts can be assigned to a single or multiple groups in bulk with this option, just select your chosen contact(s), select Add to groups from the Actions button dropdown, select your group(s) and click Save. When selecting a group you can use the dropdown slider, or alternatively you can type directly into the box to refine the search options. If your chosen group isn't shown in the list an option to create a new group will be presented.


Remove from groups

The Remove from groups option allows you to quickly remove any number of contacts from one or multiple groups. Simply select your contact(s), select the group(s) you would like to remove them from and click Remove. All of your selected contacts will then be removed from the groups you have chosen.


Assign to account

Assigning any number of contacts to your chosen Account is easily achieved by selecting your contacts, clicking Assign to account from the Actions button options, selecting a single Account and clicking Assign. If any of your contacts are already associated with an existing account they will be removed from the old Account and added to the new Account. The first 20 Accounts are displayed in the Account selection dropdown but can you enter text to refine the selection.


Unassign from account

After choosing a number of contacts, selecting Unassign from account from the Actions dropdown and clicking Unassign will remove the selected contacts from all Accounts.


Delete contacts

This function allows you to delete all of the selected contacts from e-shot once the option has been selected and the deletion confirmation message accepted. 



Selecting your contacts and choosing Unsubscribe from the Actions dropdown menu will unsubscribe the contacts from the logged in subaccount. This action cannot be undone.


Unsubscribe from all subaccounts

This performs the same action has the Unsubscribe function, but also unsubscribes the contact(s) from all subaccounts within your e-shot account. This action is only available to an Admin user.



The contact grid can be customised to show a different number of rows based on your preference. You can choose to show either 10, 20, 50 or 100 rows within the grid, which is saved to your user profile and will persist between pages, so each of the grids on the other CRM pages will show your preferred choice.

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