
CATEGORY: Social mediaResources

2023 Social Playbook

2023 Social Playbook

The argument over whether to use social media across local government has long since passed. Almost all UK councils have at least one Twitter and Facebook account now.

Social media has changed the way in which we can communicate and engage – it's opened up access and provides a wealth of opportunities to talk to people in a very human and non-corporate way. With increasingly smaller teams and limited resources, challenged by increased demands and growing internal and external expectations, social media can significantly help organisations communicate effectively.

The priority for authorities in 2023 is to use social media more strategically to ensure good engagement with residents, better customer service, and wider sharing of information on the services most important to customers.

So we have to be savvy in our use of social media to ensure that we're doing all we can do engage and grow our reach and impact and achieve ‘cut through' in the ever-noisier world of online messages, competition and distractions.

This guide will give you all you need to know to understand the social media landscape in 2023 to help you focus your time and effort on the areas of social media which will help you meet your organisational objectives and help your residents and customers' best access and use your services.

And just for good measure it is also a useful resource for key dates in the 2023 calendar, all the social image spec sizes you need and a few useful stats you can impress your boss with.

social media playbook


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