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CATEGORY: New Campaigns (beta)

Campaigns setup tab: Schedule

Campaigns setup tab: Schedule

Users can now set a schedule from within the campaign, this schedule will be carried over when you go to send the campaign.  

The schedule section can be found in the campaign summary tab. Below is what you can expect it to look like.

Scheduling a campaign

Each section of the schedule has its own dropdown for you to choose the exact day, month, year, hour, and minute for your campaign. In the above screenshot you will also see the text ‘Set one hour from now’, clicking this does exactly what you’d expect and sets the schedule to an hour from current time.  

Once you have set a schedule for the campaign it can also be found within the campaign summary panel, it will also be recorded in the ‘History’ tab of the campaign.  

Please note the schedule can be overridden at any time before the campaign has been scheduled to send.  

After setting a schedule for your campaign, as previously mentioned it will be carried over when you click the send button for that campaign. As shown below my schedule for 18th August has been set for me, I can then either choose to click the send now box to send the campaign straight away or leave the schedule as it is and confirm the send for the 18th August.  

Schedule within the campaign send

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