
CATEGORY: e-shot-team

Welcome to our new apprentice: Jacob

Welcome to our new apprentice: Jacob

We asked our new newly onboarded software testing apprentice about his experiences at Forfront so far and the motivations behind choosing an apprentice. Explore more about his journey and the reasons that led them to this exciting new career path.

Why did you choose the apprentice route?

I chose the apprentice route because I tried university and it wasn't for me. I learn much better by doing and experiencing. I was looking for a small amount of structured learning and a qualification while my main source of learning was on the job.


How would you describe your experience so far?

I have only been at Forfront for a month at this point but they have been extremely kind and welcoming. I have learnt much more than I would of with studying alone. As Forfront is a relatively small company with lots of work to be done, I have been given lots of responsibilities and opportunities to learn by doing. It has been invaluable so far and I'm sure it will continue as time goes on.


What aspect of your apprenticeship are you most excited about?

Just the opportunity to continue to have more and greater responsibilities and at the end of the day just to Test! Not having to just theorise testing but being able to practice it daily helps me learn and apply the theory much quicker.


What advice would you give someone considering the apprentice route?

It is very competitive currently so I would say make sure you try and do some self-learning before applying. Try to understand the specific apprenticeship you are applying for inside and out before going for it. Also finding a 3rd party apprenticeship provider will help a lot. Having a recruiter on your side makes everything much easier.

At Forfront, we're dedicated to helping our apprentices grow and learn as they explore new opportunities and develop their skills. We hope that this gives you an insight into some of the great opportunities that apprenticeships can offer.

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