

Tricks and treats of using ghost buttons

Tricks and treats of using ghost buttons

In the world of email design, aesthetics, and functionality often go hand in hand. One design trend that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of “ghost buttons.” These subtle, transparent buttons have a unique appearance, but are they a good choice for your email design?

What Are Ghost Buttons?

They are often characterized by a thin, borderless outline, typically in a contrasting colour, and a transparent or semi-transparent fill. These buttons are typically used for calls to action (CTAs), such as “Learn More,” “Sign Up,” or “Get Started.”

The key features of ghost buttons include:

1. Transparency: Ghost buttons have a see-through or semi-transparent background, allowing the underlying content or image to partially show through.

2. Minimalistic Design: They are typically simple and devoid of any elaborate decoration, relying on clean lines and typography.

3. Subtle Contrast: Ghost buttons use subtle colour contrast between the outline and the background, making them less prominent compared to traditional buttons.

Advantages of Ghost Buttons:

1. Aesthetic Appeal: Ghost buttons have a modern and elegant appearance that can enhance the overall aesthetics of the email. They can complement various design styles, from minimalistic to more complex layouts.

2. Reduced Visual Clutter: Ghost buttons can help reduce visual clutter in your design, allowing other elements and content to take the spotlight. This can improve the user’s focus on the most important information.

3. User-Friendly: These buttons provide a clear and unobtrusive way to guide users toward specific actions without overwhelming them. Users can easily identify them as clickable elements.

4. Versatility: Ghost buttons can be easily customised to fit different colour schemes and design contexts, making them versatile for various types of campaign.

5. Responsive Design: Ghost buttons are well-suited for responsive web design as they adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations.

Considerations When Using Ghost Buttons:

While ghost buttons offer several advantages, they may not be the best choice for every situation. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

1. Visibility: Due to their subtle nature, ghost buttons may not stand out as effectively as solid buttons with vibrant colours. They might not be the best choice for critical CTAs that require immediate attention.

2. Content Clarity: Ghost buttons should be used thoughtfully, ensuring that they do not blend in too much with the background or make content hard to read.

3. Accessibility: Ensure that ghost buttons meet accessibility standards by providing clear hover and focus states, and by making them easily distinguishable from non-clickable elements.

4. Context Matters: The decision to use ghost buttons should depend on the specific context of your website and its target audience. Conduct user testing to determine if they are well-received.


Ghost buttons are a design trend that offers a unique blend of style and functionality. They can enhance the aesthetics of an email design while providing a subtle and user-friendly way to guide visitors toward important actions. However, their effectiveness depends on the context and purpose of your website.

When deciding whether to use ghost buttons, consider your design goals, user experience, and the importance of the actions they represent. It’s essential to strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality to create campaigns that not only look great but also performs well in achieving its objectives. Ultimately, the choice of using ghost buttons should align with your overall design strategy and the preferences of your target audience.

If you would like to get some inspiration from designs that beautifully incorporate ghost buttons Really Good emails has a great collection.

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