Cyber Incident Communications Checklist

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In the event of a cyber-attack on your organisation, it would be vital to communicate quickly and concisely to a variety of stakeholder groups. Use our cybersecurity communications checklist to help plan the communications aspect of an effective cybersecurity incident response plan. 

The National Cyber Security Centre dealt with 777 incidents between September 2020 and August 2021, with around 40% aimed at the public sector. It is time to get prepared.


Hope for the best, plan for the worst

Cyber-attacks frequently target core business systems. If you did not have access to your normal systems and files, it may be challenging to communicate effectively as the situation demands.

How would you get the contact information if your data is unavailable?

How would you reassure contacts that messages are genuinely from you if you can’t send messages through your normal channels?

e-shot can help as part of an effective cybersecurity incident response.

A dedicated sub-account containing your contact data and the ability to send through a subdomain of your website can be maintained completely independently. This can be provided on a dedicated basis or as part of a wider digital communications solution.