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Hard bounce resets

Hard bounce resets

Sometimes, email addresses will become undeliverable due to erroneous bounce reasons being reported back by the recipient’s email server. e-shot automatically suppresses hard bounces from future sends to protect your sender reputation.
Over time, this can lead to a proportion of your data being rendered unusable, even though it may still contain viable contacts. This does not mean that you can or should continue to send emails to these recipients as some organisations will block bulk email due to policies that are imposed on the recipient’s inbox. If you believe that a contact has hard bounced in error, then you can ask our Customer Success team to reset the bounce status, enabling you to send emails to the recipient again.
Before this, we would ask that you provide documentary evidence directly from the bounced contact to demonstrate their willingness to receive emails from you. This can be a forwarded email, read receipt or any evidence that the contact is active or better still an updated contact submission through a website form. If you are looking at multiple addresses then chat to the Customer Success team, as we may only need a sample of examples to review.

Once contacts have been reset, they will be put into a clearly labelled group in your account. We would recommend sending a campaign to this group to seek re-engagement, but if you would prefer not to do this, the contacts will simply form part of their previous group memberships.
If the contact hard bounces again, we will not reset the bounce status a second time.
It is important that you can establish a lawful basis for emailing every contact in your database. Just proving that an email address is real is insufficient to establish the legality of sending to it.


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