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Campaigns - Date driven campaigns

Campaigns - Date driven campaigns


The Campaigns page lists all of your previously created campaigns, ordered chronologically. There are a number of different campaign types, which are described below. A brief summary of each campaign is shown on this screen, along with dropdown options to Send, Edit, Test or Delete each. There’s a Search and Filter option to allow you to locate a particular campaign quickly.    

Types of campaigns

Date Driven Campaign 

The Date Driven campaign type will allow you to set up a repeating campaign to send on, before or after a contact’s date field value, such as birthdays or renewals. The campaign creation wizard has the following sections: 

Message Selection 

Choose from one of your messages, previously created in Design Studio, to continue to the next screen. There’s a search feature and messages can be filtered by type for efficient selection.     

Choosing your design

Sender Details 

Details of who’s sending the email can be customised on this screen.   

Campaign steps

Define Delivery 

A group of contacts is chosen on this screen to be the recipients of your campaign. Contacts and groups of contacts can be amended within the Design Studio section. In addition, you can optionally suppress certain groups from being sent to. For example, if you have a large group of contacts with a small subsection that shouldn’t be sent to, the smaller group can be suppressed without having to make lots of manual amendments in Design Studio to accomplish the same result. Once your contacts have been chosen the Calculate Contacts feature will analyse the information and inform you of the total number of contacts that will be sent to. This information can be exported to CSV if you desire.     

Defining campaign delivery


This optional step allows you to apply filtering to your campaign based on the statistics of a previous send by filtering contacts on what they’ve been sent and how they’ve interacted. A variety of filters are available to help achieve this. The Calculate Contacts feature is available on this page as well, for contact analysis. 

Campaign filtering
Campaign filtering

Send Criteria

From here you can choose the start date for your campaign, an optional end date and the criteria to define when to send the email to your contacts. The campaign can be customised to go out on, before or after any custom fields you’ve created, either on a specific date or each anniversary. 

Sending schedule


The Summary page shows a brief recap of the information from the previous pages. In addition, Google Analytics and CANDDi information are shown here, if either service has been turned on in Settings.   

Campaign summary


The Test page allows you to send a test campaign to a single or multiple contacts of your choice as a final stage to ensure that your campaign appears as required.


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