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CATEGORY: TrainingCampaigns

Automation Examples: Event reminder automated series

Automation Examples: Event reminder automated series

Automated Series can be used to cater for all kinds of triggered campaigns, but as a little bit of inspiration we are going to bring your a series of examples that you can build into your campaign plans.


Up to 3 days before an event to trigger a campaign send.

Once there is less than 3 days until the event, the campaign send should not go out.


The scenario can currently be catered for 

automated series

If the date is to be driven off a custom field, this can be done by selecting the custom date field and specifying the before/after criteria.

True or false steps

A further Wait step prior to the IF condition can be added to enable one to only trigger a campaign send X days before an event, and then anyone added to the Automated Series after the IF condition date would not receive the campaign send.


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